Category Archives: Blogs

Congressman Valadao Talks New Farm Bill & Rematch With Rudy Salas

Congressman Valadao Talks New Farm Bill & Rematch With Rudy Salas

The Ralph Bailey Show welcomes California Congressman David Valadao to the broadcast who has written an interesting Op-Ed for the Bakersfield Californian about the upcoming Farm Bill that is being drafted & will be voted on by the end of September. Then Ralph asks Congressman Valadao about the arrival of the Israeli Prime Minister &…Continue Reading

Goldner Gives Deeper Look Into The Kayla Lovdahl Case

Goldner Gives Deeper Look Into The Kayla Lovdahl Case

Former Magistrate Judge Teri Goldner rejoins TRBS to discuss a new court case that Ralph has been following regarding 18 year old Kayla Lovdahl, a woman who began the transition to become a male at the age of 13 & is now regretting it & says she was pressured into giving consent to make the…Continue Reading

Ralph Reiterates Why Rudy Salas Cannot Be Allowed To Be In Congress

Ralph Reiterates Why Rudy Salas Cannot Be Allowed To Be In Congress

Former Assembly Member Rudy Salas has made if official today that he will once again run against Congressman David Valadao for the 22nd California Congressional District seat in the 2024 election, but TRBS Host Ralph Bailey reminds the Kern community of Rudy’s absent past while being an assemblyman & his horrific answers during his first…Continue Reading

Ralph Agrees Some NDAA Amendments Go Way Too Far

Ralph Agrees Some NDAA Amendments Go Way Too Far

Congress narrowly passed the National Defense Authorization Act for the 2023 Fiscal Year today that also included a few questionable amendments that are causing a stir as TRBS Host Ralph Bailey explains what he thinks is wrong with the bill & how Speaker McCarthy was able to buy Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s vote by…Continue Reading

Latest Blogs

Former Judge Talks Charges In ZacK Scrivner Case

Former Judge Talks Charges In ZacK Scrivner Case

Former Judge and Kern County Counsel Theresa Goldner, discusses the latest charges against for Kern County Supervisor Zack Scrivner on The Ralph Bailey Show. KERN Radio · Former Judge Theresa Goldner Talks New Charges In Zack Scrivner Case