Goldner Gives Ralph A Quiz On Architecture of The Supreme Court Building

Goldner Gives Ralph A Quiz On Architecture of The Supreme Court Building

Ralph talks with our former Magistrate Judge & Special Council to Klien, DeNatale, & Goldner, Teri Goldner as Teri gives her thoughts on the attacks on Israel over the weekend & Teri lightens the mood as she gives Ralph a quiz on the various animals found in the architecture of the Supreme Court building & the meaning for each of them.

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Former Judge Talks Charges In ZacK Scrivner Case

Former Judge Talks Charges In ZacK Scrivner Case

Former Judge and Kern County Counsel Theresa Goldner, discusses the latest charges against for Kern County Supervisor Zack Scrivner on The Ralph Bailey Show. KERN Radio · Former Judge Theresa Goldner Talks New Charges In Zack Scrivner Case