Ralph on Media’s Attempt To Scare Dems Into Keeping Newsom & Jeter’s Hall of Fame Career

Ralph on Media’s Attempt To Scare Dems Into Keeping Newsom & Jeter’s Hall of Fame Career

TRBS Host Ralph Bailey comments on the LA Times lead story today and how it proves that the media is attempting to douse the excitement of Republicans while scaring Democrats into saving Governor Newsom from being recalled, and Ralph talks about Derek Jeter’s speech at the Baseball Hall of Fame and how the impact of having a positive family relationship can have a lasting affect an athlete’s life and career.

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Nick Ragone Discusses The Life & Presidency of James Earl Carter Jr.

Nick Ragone Discusses The Life & Presidency of James Earl Carter Jr.

TRBS talks with Presidential Expert Nick Ragone about the passing of the oldest living president in American history, Jimmy Carter, & his extensive list of post-presidential accomplishments that the American people will remember forever. KERN Radio · Nick Ragone Discusses The Life & Presidency of James Earl Carter Jr.