Is coffee really that good for you? Dr. Patel provides insights

Is coffee really that good for you? Dr. Patel provides insights

After a pair of recent studies suggested that coffee could play role in extending life expectancy, the topic came to the forefront of the weekly conversation between Richard Beene and Dr. Raj Patel on the July 14 episode of “The Richard Beene Show.”

A pair of studies released in the Annals of Internal Medicine earlier this month paint a positive picture about coffee consumption, and that it can prevent early death. The studies looked at the coffee drinking habits of more than 700,000 people around the world and researchers said the study continues to confirm earlier studies that coffee drinking, even decaf, is probably good for you.

“I am telling you about benefits of coffee consumptions,” said Dr. Raj Patel, an internist at Preferred Family Care. There are not many negative nuances. I specialize in internal medicine and our magazine, Annals of Internal Medicine, came out with an article that coffee has beneficial effects.

“First off, I am a regular coffee consumer, three or four cups a day. They did three studies and one found that three cups can result in 18 percent longer life.”



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