The mean-spirited fangs and myopic vision of the zealous religious reactionaries reared its ugly head on our show Tuesday in the name of a listener trying to defend religious freedom. One woman felt I “…was criticizing the Christian Faith.”, (As if that is somehow forbidden.) and vowed never to listen to my radio program again, despite her heretofore daily habit. The listener vehemently disagreed with me that Kim Davis, the Kentucky Clerk who chose a federal jail cell over providing marriage licenses to homosexuals, was wrong to refuse marriage licenses to homosexuals. And in addition, guilty of headline hunting as she clearly demonstrated with her hands held to the sky as she rallied her supporters during her grandiose departure from self imposed prison. Giving all glory to God, Davis insisted that her full-throated supporters “…keep on pressing; don’t let down because he is here.” She further corrupted her elected Rowan County position by urging others to run afoul of the law. But back to “TRBS”, for anyone. particularly someone who has never met me, to question my Christianity because we don’t see eye to eye highlights the enormous arrogance and irresponsible concept that they are some self-appointed gatekeeper, some sentinel who determines who’s morally right or wrong. In my church we leave such judgments to the Lord.