Sometimes, and I do mean sometimes, our justice system makes perfect sense even when you don’t agree and don’t like the call a judge is forced to make. Such are the cases of the Kentucky clerk and the Boston quarterback. Let’s start with the most important. Brady…just kidding. I believe in religious freedom. But that freedom must extend to those who do NOT believe. If we establish a society where Christians or anyone of any faith can place their religious believes above the tenants of our society, that under the law everyone must be treated the same, then we have anarchy. If your religious beliefs dictate what you do in life than to be a productive member of our national community you must tailor your professional desires to go along with your religious principles For example, you can’t enlist in the Marines and then demand you be exempt from killing.  How can society keep pace with the various religious beliefs to which different groups prescribe? And remember folks, we’re not even talking about the private sector. No,no, no! We’re talking about an elected county official.  Meanwhile, in Brady versus the NFL, the call isn’t even bang bang. Brady V. NFL goes down in the books as an open and shut case highlighting the basic rights for which our forefathers fought and died. Can you imagine your boss coming up to you and saying, ‘Ralph, I’m letting you go because it’s “likely” (NFL investigation words) you did something wrong.’ Or you’re being fined because of the “probability” that you’re guilty. Come on, man. No one has more reasons to hate Tom “Tuck Rule” Brady than a Raider freak like myself but the law is the law and now, much like our president, the head of the most lucrative and powerful sports franchise in history is wearing no clothes.

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Clayton Campbell Talks Future of Zack Scrivner & The Kason Guyton Trial

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