TRBS Talks McCarthy’s Plan To Stop The Shutdown; State Senator Grove On Passing of SB-14

TRBS Talks McCarthy’s Plan To Stop The Shutdown; State Senator Grove On Passing of SB-14

TRBS Host Ralph Bailey gives his thoughts on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s plan to stop a Government wide shutdown being shot down by the House today as the Freedom Caucus continues to make life difficult for the Speaker, & State Senator Shannon Grove joins TRBS to discuss her recent unanimous victory in the State Senate to get SB-14 passed & finally put teeth into the laws against human trafficking

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Former Judge Talks Charges In ZacK Scrivner Case

Former Judge Talks Charges In ZacK Scrivner Case

Former Judge and Kern County Counsel Theresa Goldner, discusses the latest charges against for Kern County Supervisor Zack Scrivner on The Ralph Bailey Show. KERN Radio · Former Judge Theresa Goldner Talks New Charges In Zack Scrivner Case