Ralph On Aftermath of Hurricane Hilary & The Attempts To Remove Trump From ’24 Ballot

Ralph On Aftermath of Hurricane Hilary & The Attempts To Remove Trump From ’24 Ballot

TRBS Host Ralph Bailey reacts to the aftermath of Hurricane Hilary hitting the shores of southern California as communities like Palm Springs & Bakersfield are hitting record highs in rainfall in one day, & Ralph explains how certain groups are planning to use the 14th Amendment to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 election for his role in the January 6th insurrection.

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Former Judge Talks Charges In ZacK Scrivner Case

Former Judge Talks Charges In ZacK Scrivner Case

Former Judge and Kern County Counsel Theresa Goldner, discusses the latest charges against for Kern County Supervisor Zack Scrivner on The Ralph Bailey Show. KERN Radio · Former Judge Theresa Goldner Talks New Charges In Zack Scrivner Case