Ralph Agrees Some NDAA Amendments Go Way Too Far

Ralph Agrees Some NDAA Amendments Go Way Too Far

Congress narrowly passed the National Defense Authorization Act for the 2023 Fiscal Year today that also included a few questionable amendments that are causing a stir as TRBS Host Ralph Bailey explains what he thinks is wrong with the bill & how Speaker McCarthy was able to buy Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s vote by putting her on conference committee.

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Former Journalist David Brust Initiates DA Probe Of Supervisor Leticia Perez

Former Journalist David Brust Initiates DA Probe Of Supervisor Leticia Perez

David Brust joins Ralph Bailey & explains what prompted him to send in information to the District Attorney’s office, which opened an investigation into Leticia Perez’s campaign & sent investigators to her office. KERN Radio · Former Journalist David Brust Initiates DA Probe Of Supervisor Leticia Perez