Sheriff Youngblood Gives His Thoughts On The Scott Peterson Decision

Sheriff Youngblood Gives His Thoughts On The Scott Peterson Decision

The Ralph Bailey Show dives into the main stories of the day as Ralph explains his unsure feelings about the Supreme Court’s decision to ultimately end affirmative action in college admission decisions & Scott Peterson being found not guilty for negligence & other charges after his inability to stop a school shooting in 2018. The Ralph talks with our high Sheriff Donny Youngblood about the Scott Peterson decision & whether or not we can really should prosecute first responders for not doing a good enough job while on duty.

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Former Judge Discusses Latest about Zack Scrivner Case

Former Judge Discusses Latest about Zack Scrivner Case

Former Magistrate Judge, Theresa Goldner, joined The Ralph Bailey Show to discuss the latest on the case involving former Kern County Supervisor Zack Scrivner. KERN Radio · Former Judge Discusses Latest about Zack Scrivner Case