Ralph On Shooting At Nashville Private School & Biden’s Out Of Touch Response

Ralph On Shooting At Nashville Private School & Biden’s Out Of Touch Response

Another horrific school shooting took place today this time in Nashville, Tennessee as a 28 year-old female shooter shot and killed 6 others with multiple guns. Ralph shares audio from officials in Nashville explaining how the shooting took place & the insensitive & out of touch response given by President Biden who tried to use the opportunity to stress the need for gun control.

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Former Journalist David Brust Initiates DA Probe Of Supervisor Leticia Perez

Former Journalist David Brust Initiates DA Probe Of Supervisor Leticia Perez

David Brust joins Ralph Bailey & explains what prompted him to send in information to the District Attorney’s office, which opened an investigation into Leticia Perez’s campaign & sent investigators to her office. KERN Radio · Former Journalist David Brust Initiates DA Probe Of Supervisor Leticia Perez