Petrey On Latest Jobs Report; Ralph Warns All OF Kern To Take Storm Seriously

Petrey On Latest Jobs Report; Ralph Warns All OF Kern To Take Storm Seriously

The latest jobs numbers are out & stocks have taken a surprising fall as we hear from Daniel Petrey of Mestmaker & Petrey Wealth Advisors about what these numbers mean, what is going on in the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank, & is Biden’s budget plan really going to work? Then Ralph Bailey advises everyone in Kern County to take this incoming rain storm very seriously as evacuations continue around the county due to flash floods.

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Former Journalist David Brust Initiates DA Probe Of Supervisor Leticia Perez

Former Journalist David Brust Initiates DA Probe Of Supervisor Leticia Perez

David Brust joins Ralph Bailey & explains what prompted him to send in information to the District Attorney’s office, which opened an investigation into Leticia Perez’s campaign & sent investigators to her office. KERN Radio · Former Journalist David Brust Initiates DA Probe Of Supervisor Leticia Perez