Bakersfield Boys Club Author Talks Upcoming Event & Inspiration Behind The Book

Bakersfield Boys Club Author Talks Upcoming Event & Inspiration Behind The Book

Author Anne Da Vigo talks about her new fiction thriller novel “Bakersfield Boys Club” as she tells TRBS about the inspirations she took from the Lords of Bakersfield murders in order to write it, and her upcoming event for the book at Russo’s Book store on Jan. 22nd.

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Former Journalist David Brust Initiates DA Probe Of Supervisor Leticia Perez

Former Journalist David Brust Initiates DA Probe Of Supervisor Leticia Perez

David Brust joins Ralph Bailey & explains what prompted him to send in information to the District Attorney’s office, which opened an investigation into Leticia Perez’s campaign & sent investigators to her office. KERN Radio · Former Journalist David Brust Initiates DA Probe Of Supervisor Leticia Perez