10 photos we love from Bakersfield’s weekend, Aug 18-20

10 photos we love from Bakersfield’s weekend, Aug 18-20

During one of the last weekends of summer, folks from around Bakersfield seemed to have a relaxing weekend or maybe they were just saving their energy for Monday’s eclipse. Here’s our favorite pictures from the weekend:

오리 꿱꿱 🦆 . . #여행스타그램 #꿀주말 #일상 #주말나들이

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It was good even though we ended up dropping it in the pool🤙🏼

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Today's Practice | #Guard #Practice #Colorguard #Verse2017 #Flag #Sabre #Friends #Family #Smile #Saturday #Rifle

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The first week of school is complete! Al is celebrating by buffing counter tops that are headed to a school site. #Teambcsd

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•{work work work work work}• when we say DIY, we mean it! #girlswithpowertools #dowork #gettindown #gettindirty

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Ninja cat, ready to attack! #ninja #cats #stealth #spideycat #spidercat #roof #roofcat

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#paintball #bakersfield #california

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She's thinking if she wants to be a Pediatrician or an Architect like mommy 💋👧🏻#mysweetpetunia#myhappybaby#ourbundleofjoy#my🌎❤️#cartersbaby#blessedandluckytohaveher

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