Nine Inch Nails dominates Bakersfield social media

Nine Inch Nails took to the Rabobank Arena on Wednesday night and blew away the huge Bakersfield audience, who gladly shared the experience on social media, especially Instagram. We pulled together some of the best photos and videos from the concert.

"Survivalism" #NineInchNails

A post shared by Arma懈do Go懈zalez (@_nin___) on

I didn't take a lot of pictures because I wanted to live in the moment #NI袠

A post shared by Joey Ybarra (@jowiitv) on

I had a great time seeing @nineinchnails tonight 馃檪 thank you @dinalockridgevetri for the invite!! #nineinchnails

A post shared by Jessie Covets (@iamjessiecovets) on

Doesn't it make you fell better? #NIN #nineinchnails

A post shared by Sil (@silrigote) on

Last nights @NineInchNails show was amazing. The Bowie cover… wow. Beautiful. I was tearing up. It was rad seeing Trent perform a How To Destroy Angels song as Nine Inch Nails. {We saw HTDA in Monterey}. People always ask if I like their newer stuff. I love it all! New stuff, Old stuff, doesn't matter to me. They have been my fav band since I was 9yrs old and I'll love anything they do. Hands down one of my fav NIN shows "Main Set Branches / Bones (from Not the Actual Events EP, 2016) Copy Of A (from Hesitation Marks, 2013) Less Than (from Add Violence EP, 2017) March Of The Pigs (from The Downward Spiral, 1994) Piggy (from The Downward Spiral, 1994) The Frail (from The Fragile, 1999) The Wretched (from The Fragile, 1999) Closer (from The Downward Spiral, 1994) Parasite (from the How To Destroy Angels EP How to Destroy Angels, 2010) Burn (from Natural Born Killers soundtrack, 1994) Gave Up (from Broken EP, 1992) I Can鈥檛 Give Everything Away (David Bowie cover) The Lovers (from Add Violence EP, 2017) Reptile (from The Downward Spiral, 1994) The Great Destroyer (from Year Zero, 2007) Burning Bright (Field On Fire) (from Not the Actual Events EP, 2016) Survivalism (from Year Zero, 2007) Wish (from Broken EP, 1992) The Hand That Feeds (from With Teeth, 2005) Head Like A Hole (from Pretty Hate Machine, 1989) Encore Hurt (from The Downward Spiral, 1994)" #nineinchnails #bakersfieldca #bakersfield #nineinchnailsbakersfield

A post shared by [NIN]A (@ninrevenant) on

Nine Inch Nails

A post shared by Mac Miller (@macxmiller) on

NIN @nineinchnails @ilanrubin #nin #ilanrubin

A post shared by M A T T K E L L Y (@archidrummer) on

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