Bakersfield Police search for man who burglarized skate shop

Bakersfield Police search for man who burglarized skate shop

The Bakersfield Police are looking for a man who broke into a west Bakersfield skate shop in the early morning of June 7 and made off with several items of merchandise.

Police said the man broke into the Active Ride shop, at 10530 Stockdale Highway, at 3 a.m. and made off with several items before fleeing in white four-door sedan.

Police describe the suspect as a white male, 30-35 years of age, heavy build, blonde goatee, wearing a black sweatshirt, dark colored long shorts, and black athletic shoes.

Anyone with information regarding this investigation, or the identity of the suspect is asked to call Detective Shane Shaff (661) 326-3861, or the Bakersfield Police Department (661) 327-71111.

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