Suspects sought in Bakersfield cigarette store robbery

Suspects sought in Bakersfield cigarette store robbery

The Bakersfield Police Department is searching for three suspects wanted for in connection with a robbery and assault at a Bakersfield cigarette store last month.

Police said the robbery occurred at 9:08 a.m. on May 25 at the Cigarette World, 5600 Auburn Street and attempted to purchase an item. Police said the first suspect entered the store and spoke with the store’s clerk before physically assaulting the clerk. The second suspect entered the store and joined the first suspect in removing items from the store and the clerk. Police said the third suspect served as a lookout.

The suspects are described the first suspect as a black male, 30-35 years of age, 6-feet, medium build, wearing a black shirt with cut off sleeves, gray shorts, and a tan hat. The second suspect as a black male, 30-35 years of age, 5-11, slim build, wearing a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and a black and white hat. The third suspect is described as a black or Hispanic female, 30-35 years of age, slim build, wearing a black shirt.

Anyone with information regarding this investigation, or the identity of the suspects is asked to call Detective Fred Torres (661) 326-3273, or the Bakersfield Police Department (661) 327-7111.

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