Bakersfield police search for man suspected of annoying child

Bakersfield police search for man suspected of annoying child

The Bakersfield Police are searching for man they suspect may have inappropriately touched a young girl after he was given a car ride by the girl’s mother.

Police said they are looking for a white male, aged 60-65 years, with grey hair in connection with the May 5 incident. Police said the man was standing in the 9600 block of Brimhall Road when the girl’s mother offered the man a ride in her vehicle. Once inside the vehicle, the man touched the 10-year-old girl on the arm and stomach.

The woman ordered the man out of the vehicle in the 4200 block of Coffee Road, and at the time the woman left and called police.

Anyone with information regarding this investigation, or the identity of the subject is asked to call Detective Lance O’Nesky (661) 326-3275, or the Bakersfield Police Department (661) 327-7111.

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