BPD investigating prescription drug theft at Bakersfield Rite Aid

BPD investigating prescription drug theft at Bakersfield Rite Aid

The Bakersfield Police Department is asking for the community’s assistance in identifying and locating two suspects wanted for shoplifting. At 8:46 p.m. on  April 19,  two suspects entered the Rite Aid located at 3225 Panama Lane, and walked directly to the pharmacy. Both suspects jumped over the pharmacy counter and took several items of prescription medication prior to running out of the business.

Police describe the first suspect as a black male, approximately 20 years of age, short hair, medium build, wearing a red sweatshirt and black pants. The second suspect is described as a black male approximately 20 years of age, wearing a light grey hooded sweatshirt covering his head, and black pants.

Anyone with information regarding this investigation, or the identity of the suspect isasked to call Officer Keith Schlecht (661) 326-3857, or the Bakersfield Police Department at (661) 327-7111.

Rite Aid Robbery

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