A gala ribbon cutting for Bank of the Sierra

Bank of Sierra on California Avenue

A gala ribbon cutting for Bank of the Sierra

With a ribbon cutting on Friday, Bank of the Sierra formally opened a new branch on California Avenue — it’s fourth location Bakersfield.

“We really treat each location as part of the community,” said Bank of the Sierra president Kevin McPhail. “We don’t want to be a big nameless, faceless bank.”

The new bank, located at 4456 California Ave., is designed to better suit the needs of the local residents and businesses in this busy area.

“What we want to do is be in the community,” McPhail said.

That message was praised by Bakersfield Mayor Karen Goh, who was one a handful of political dignitaries to attend the ribbon cutting.

As Bank of the Sierra’s fourth location in Bakersfield, this newly constructed 6,000 square foot building offers a spacious lobby and features a drive-up window, a walk-up and a drive-up ATM, as well as a lending platform for commercial lenders.

Since its founding in 1977, Bank of the Sierra has grown to become the largest independent bank in the southern San Joaquin Valley, with approximately $2 billion in assets. Bank of the Sierra offers a full range of retail and commercial banking services via 34 full-service branches located throughout California’s southern San Joaquin Valley and neighboring communities, on the Central Coast, and in southern California locations including the Santa Clara Valley.

Bank Location

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