Youngblood says law order over sanctuary should be the rule

Youngblood says law order over sanctuary should be the rule

Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood says that the state of California could put law enforcement in a difficult position to protect the constitution of the United States versus protecting the state’s constitution when it comes to enforcing or not enforcing immigration laws.

During an interview on Thursday, Youngblood made his case for a resolution that he’s hoping the Kern County Board of Supervisors will consider May 2 that would reject any consideration for “sanctuary status” for the county.

“What my point is I think we need to follow the laws that we have and if we should change those laws,” Youngblood said. “This is about allowing the federal government to their job and us to do our job.”

Youngblood has been one of the state’s leading law enforcement voices when it comes to enforcing immigration laws, but he also makes it clear it’s not a county sheriff’s job to do the work of the federal government.

“I don’t think anyone should be offended by the fact that I want to make ourself not a sanctuary county,” Youngblood said from his office.

The sheriff is expected to make his request to the five-member board during the 9 a.m. portion of the Supervisors’ regular May 2 meeting. Youngblood will ask the supervisors to adopt a resolution making Kern County a “law and order county.”

If Kern County were to follow the lead of other California cities or counties and grant sanctuary status to illegal immigrants, Youngblood said that would jeopardize his ability to work with federal law enforcement and run contrary to his ability to uphold the constitution.

“I want the federal government to know that we don’t see ourselves as a sanctuary county,” Youngblood said.

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