Kern Valley State Prison officers stop large-scale riot

DELANO – Custody staff at Kern Valley State Prison (KVSP) quickly contained, isolated and controlled a large-scale incident on the prison’s maximum-security yard today.
At 10:43 a.m. a fight amongst four inmates on the recreational yard quickly escalated into a riot involving approximately 125 inmates. Correctional officers used multiple less-than-lethal force options including pepper spray, chemical agents and various direct impact rounds to quell the incident. Responding staff controlled the incident within minutes.
Officers recovered seven inmate-made weapons.
A second incident occurred at the same time in one of the housing units on the same facility. The second incident involved six inmates and required the use of less-than-lethal direct impact rounds to gain compliance with officers’ orders and stop the attack.
Five inmates were transported to local area hospitals for treatment of injuries they sustained during these incidents. None of the injuries appear to be life-threatening. No staff members were injured.
KVSP Investigative Services Unit is investigating these events.


KVSP opened in 2005 and houses 3,725 minimum-, medium-, maximum- and high-security custody inmates. KVSP offers academic classes and vocational programs and employs approximately 1,800 people. For more information, visit

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