Just When We Thought The Worst Was Over…

js1 tc1So the horror of watching 2 ghastly people vying for the presidency has mercifully come to and end, it turns out that it hasn’t. Apparently Jill Stein, the green party candidate, has decided that a few key states should have their votes re-counted. Wow. Not one to let her entire political life come to a halt, Hillary Clinton has chosen to join the effort- because the voters deserve total transparency of course. And the Donald, never one to get out-crazied by anybody ever, has upped the ante by claiming that he also won the popular vote, but was denied that honor due to- you guessed it- voter fraud. Keeping in mind that we’re talking about a couple of million votes here, this is truly outhouse rat-grade crazy we’re dealing with. And so, here we are, not a month after the election dealing with 3 candidates who are provably delusional, stupid, and just plain nuts. The recounts won’t change a thing, of course, but the process drags us all back through the muck that we thought we’d finally left behind us.

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Clayton Campbell Talks Future of Zack Scrivner & The Kason Guyton Trial

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