What A Week It Was By RALPH BAILEY

What A Week It Was By RALPH BAILEY

My talented producer Andrew “JR” Flores, who TBC Executive Editor Bob Price once described as “…a straight shooter…” not happy with me these last couple days. You see I’ve been sneaking in later and later and later. And why not?! The damn show produces itself with eye-popping news jumping off the headlines of newspapers all over the nation. Where does one begin: Bernie upsets Hillary and yet the two most telling facts that emerge from New Hampshire were the number of delegates remained even, despite Sanders’ overwhelming victory and the first “prominent” Democrat Sanders sat down with after his win …AL Sharpton? Really??? But as we focus on national politics one of the most interesting man-to-man showdowns moved a bit closer to coming to fruition, however, it won’t be until next week before we know whether longtime Mayor Harvey Hall will face off against local developer/entrepreneur Kyle Carter. Of course, inevitably, it’s Carter’s job, however, he should steal a page out of the campaign strategy book of fellow wanna-be Mayor Kevin Burton, who has made it no secret he wants the gig but not over the dead political body of Harvey. Meantime, the mayor, first elected in 1999, promises to announce his intentions Tuesday, February 16. Stay tuned!!!!!

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Former Judge Discusses Latest about Zack Scrivner Case

Former Judge Discusses Latest about Zack Scrivner Case

Former Magistrate Judge, Theresa Goldner, joined The Ralph Bailey Show to discuss the latest on the case involving former Kern County Supervisor Zack Scrivner. KERN Radio · Former Judge Discusses Latest about Zack Scrivner Case