I Knew Jordan

I Knew Jordan

I KNEW MICHAEL JORDAN. LEBRON, YOU’RE NO MJ … Lebron James remains, in his own words, the greatest basketball player on the planet but he couldn’t carry Jordan’s Air Jordans. First, Mike would not have missed a lay-up that would have sealed a win in game one thus avoided overtime and the devastating injury to Kyrie Irving. Jordan never missed in a season the number of shots James bricked in this six game series nor would he have catapulted a bunch of long distance threes while back peddling, posing with his arm in the air. And Jordan never, he never ever,  he never ever, ever, ever, ever dubbed himself  “The Greatest” despite the fact everyone knew he thought it and he proved it, winning three consecutive NBA Championships … twice. James’ personality, lack of character and leadership void keeps him out of my top five all time ball players. I’m sorry but give me Kareem, Larry, Magic, Mike and Jerry West.

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Former Judge Talks Charges In ZacK Scrivner Case

Former Judge and Kern County Counsel Theresa Goldner, discusses the latest charges against for Kern County Supervisor Zack Scrivner on The Ralph Bailey Show. KERN Radio · Former Judge Theresa Goldner Talks New Charges In Zack Scrivner Case