Lunch at the ADAKC


On the afternoon of Tuesday May 17th the Kern Kindness Crew showed up to the Alzheimer’s Disease Association of Kern County to deliver the fine workers of the facility some Subway sandwiches for lunch. After all these hard workers do day in and day out for the elderly suffering from Alzheimer’s we thought the least we could do is show them a small token of appreciation and kindness.

  Do you know a person or organization that could use some humankindness… email us at [email protected]




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Former Judge Talks Charges In ZacK Scrivner Case

Former Judge Talks Charges In ZacK Scrivner Case

Former Judge and Kern County Counsel Theresa Goldner, discusses the latest charges against for Kern County Supervisor Zack Scrivner on The Ralph Bailey Show. KERN Radio · Former Judge Theresa Goldner Talks New Charges In Zack Scrivner Case